Can you help us by becoming a volunteer?
We are seeking volunteers for; Levens, Milnthorpe, Arnside and surrounding areas.
- Volunteer youth support leaders
- Adult committee members (working alongside the youth committee)
- KEY trustees
- Volunteer Fundraisers
And many more roles available
Training and expenses available to support you in your chosen roles
Being an Adult Volunteer
We welcome applications from all adults regardless of age, creed, gender, race, sexuality or disability. It is a fundamental requirement that all who volunteer with The ‘KEY’ project respect people’s differences and abides by the projects policies which are available to read HERE

We are in need of people who are willing to act as Mentors to our Youth Workers.
Our full-time workers operate under significant stress from dealing with a large number of teenagers outwith the normal constraints of school or family procedure and we have found they need a ‘Mentor’ – a person that they can talk to as and when they need to, (maybe 15 times a year, maybe 6 times a year), to formulate their thoughts and, if possible, receive advice.
Could you help us in this role?
Ideally you will have some experience of working with teenagers as a parent, a teacher or possibly even in youth work, but anyone who is a good listener could be right for the role.
The ‘talks’ would always be instigated by the Youth Worker, and often by phone though we do encourage the workers to meet with their Mentor face to face when possible.
The matters discussed are in complete confidence unless there is an issue of Health & Safety or Safeguarding in which case, having told the worker that it is a matter of that nature, the Mentor should ask one of the Trustees to take things up to help the worker.
Thank you for reading this and for all your support for KEY thus far!
The KEY Trustees
Please email Greg Tagney if you can help identify the right people for these important roles:

You can download the following PDFs